Thursday, March 05, 2015

winning trade

usdcan30M win

binary usd/can winning trade 30min. expiry.see vertical line all confirmed

Wednesday, March 04, 2015

30 M Timeframe for USD/JPY-call

usd/jpy 30M call

use 30M
Make sure to fully aligned all your indicators'
i.e. for call precision change color at vertical line, so also your stoch cross and your macd bars blue at the vertical and price bar white
No exception-all fall at once at vertical line, Do not accept slight variation
see chart 15M usd/jpy below

Tuesday, March 03, 2015

update blog

I have not updated my blog for sometime. Now  I will focus on my forex and binary option trading.
For indicators, I us color MACD 12.26.9 and 30.60. 30, stoch 5.5.3 and precision entry using !H timeframe setup and 15M entry.